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The Team >>>

Our lab is part of the Department of Pediatrics, Section of Nutrition at the University of Colorado.


Professor of Pediatrics

Section of Nutrition

Research Interests: Developmental programming of obesity; Nutritional and environmental stessors;

Transcriptomics and Epigenomics.

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Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Effects of obesity on reproductive outcomes, mechanisms of developmental programming & microbiome.


Post-doctoral fellow

Research Interests: Infant growth and development; effects of IUGR on offspring microbiome development.

Puujee Jambal, MS, MPH

Senior PRA

Research Interests: Development of celullar and molecular methods; Transcriptomic analyses using RNA-seq and scRNA-seq methods.

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Auna Yazza

Research Assistant

Research Interests: Molecular and biochemical analyses; experimental analyses.


Research Assistant

Research Interests:

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Interested in working with us?

We have several opportunities for students and post-doctoral fellows to join our team. Reach out to

Nutrition Research Fellowship

NIH T32 fellowship

Individuals who have completed residency training, PhD or other terminal degree may apply for a research fellowship in nutrition. This NIH-funded fellowship supports 2-3 years of research training.

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